Personnel changes in key agencies in Belarus

July 3, 2024
On the 27th of June, Alexander Lukashenko made staff appointments in the Presidential Administration and diplomatic agencies.

The personnel changes are related to the upcoming presidential election campaign in 2025 and at the same time indicate a shift in cooperation with Russia as the main trade and economic partner.

Meanwhile, significant adjustments in the regulation of the economy should not be expected, since there have been no modifications in key positions in the Government.

We have prepared a detailed memo where we analyzed the possible consequences of the reshuffles:

  • Updates in the leadership of the Presidential Administration
  • Updates in the Cabinet
  • Updates in the Diplomatic corps

For more information about personnel changes and their consequences, see our memo in Russian below.
If you would like to schedule a discussion of this paper and learn more details about reshuffles, please contact

Andrei Kosko, Senior Counsel,