Kesarev has taken out
the Advancing Interest Award 2018 for Multi-market Case Study. The prize was awarded for localizing and conducting scenario-based training prepared for Danone Early Life Nutrition in Argentina, Brazil and Russia within Interel Global Partnership (IGP) network.
The training was designed to build the skills of local Danone public affairs teams to manage potential regulatory developments which could directly affect their license to operate in a given market. The campaign involved video, high levels of engagement, and multi-market work across Danone's public affairs function.
Case study came to life as a result of a joint work of
Scenarios4Summits responsible for specialist production support, the
European office of Interel coordinated and managed the project from idea to implementation, with
Imagem Corporativa (IGP Partner Brazil) and Kesarev (IGP Partner Russia) adding a local public affairs angle and flavor.
Interel's Advancing Interest Award is granted to successful case studies from the past year that exemplify innovation and create the desired outcome for the client.
In 2018, Interel received the highest number of submissions yet with the best content and most diverse portfolio of client work. A panel of expert judges analyzed how IGP members were able to advance clients' interests in an exciting, creative, and significant way while clearly demonstrating the power of public affairs. Additional points were also awarded to multi-market work.